Thursday, 31 January 2013

MS Office 2013 Activator

   Here is the Office 2013 Activator for you enjoy activating your office 2013 Activates VL version:

with the activator and make it a full version and this activator helps you a lot to activate your 
office which has many advanced features than before versions and its metro style is also an amazing 
feature in office 2013 and if you like to have this just download it here

Local KMS server to activate Windows 7, Windows 8 Professional and Enterprise versions 

and Office 2010, Office 2013. The ability to use a stick. KMSmicro v3.11 contains a built-in 

tool to cheat meter activation (with offline MDL). Cheat meter is inside KMSmicro and has no
 effect on the activated computer. Contains directly the KMS and set cmd and reg-files to help 
in activation. To work on the project was joined by experts from the MDL forum. They are 
good programmers, and constantly improve the code of their programs. Feel free to use them 
in their work with the server..

Detail Instruction:

1. Open The folder Double Click Start-KMSmicro.vbs and start KMSmicro action.

2. Please be patient and allow KMSmicro load [It  take 5 min in my Vmware]

Wait for some time then the process starts

3. Here is the KMSmicro menu Screen. 

When you come this stage Type >>> t  <<<< (Run NetTime).  

If you can not type hold Ctrl+Alt to make your mouse works
 [This will syncronice the server time round the world]

4. Click yes for Host Address Time

5. After clicking yes open the folder and Run Activation Helper v1.5 File\

6. Click Office or Windows Tap wharever product you want to activate. 
Then if it is office Click Activate Office 2013 / Office 2010.

7. Wait till you get the screen `Product Activation Successful

Please Keep in mind it activates only Volume License VL Version not RTM Version.

Download KMS Micro Here:

KMSmicro v3.12 activate Microsoft Office 2013 Volume Edition Only [Not for retail]

After Successfully activate you get 180 days then repeat the activation there after.


  1. Ms Office 2013 Activator ~ Computer Maniac >>>>> Download Now

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    Ms Office 2013 Activator ~ Computer Maniac >>>>> Download LINK

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    Ms Office 2013 Activator ~ Computer Maniac >>>>> Download Full

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