1. ClamAV Antivirus
ClamAV is the most popular open source anti-virus software and it is available for both Ubuntu and Kubuntu. Its GUI interface is called Clamtk.
It can be install from the software center or in terminal type
$sudo apt-get install clamav clamtk
2. Free Avast Linux Home Edition
This is Free version of popular proprietary Antivirus Avast. It requires online registration for 1 year use. It is not available for commercial use.
Download Avast Linux Home Edition and register here. Once you install it and run for the first time, you will be asked for the key.
3. AVG Antivirus
This is another free antivirus available for Ubuntu. Download it here. AVG has over 110 million users. Once you install it, you need to start AVG with super user privileges. To do so open the terminal and type
$sudo avggui
4. F-PROT Antivirus
It is available for all Linux workstations and has to installed from from .tar file. Download F-PROT.To install follow these steps:
-> Extract the tar file.
-> Open terminal and change drive to the extracted folder.
-> Type sudo ./install and press Y to continue.
-> Press Y for all other prompts and Enter.
5. BitDefender
It is another proprietary antivirus software available for Ubuntu for non-commercial use.
You have to add the repository.
You have to add the repository.
System - Administration - Software Sources, click on the 'Other Software' (previously 'Third Party Software') tab. Now click on 'Add' and enter
deb http://download.bitdefender.com/repos/deb/ bitdefender non-free
Close and press Reload button.In terminal paste the following command.
$wget http://download.bitdefender.com/repos/deb/bd.key.asc
$sudo apt-key add bd.key.asc
To install the GUI type the following command in terminal.
$sudo apt-get install bitdefender-scanner-gui
Now access it from Applications ->System Tools -> BitDefender Scanner.
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