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Sunday, 28 October 2012

Wireshark Tutorial | Installation

Wireshark can be used for troubleshooting network problems, examine security problems, debug protocol implementations and learn internals of protocol. By the way above things are crap for a hacker who will be using wireshark because he will be using wireshark for stealing sensitive information.

According to hackers wireshark is packet sniffing tool which is modified version of Ethrealpacket sniffer that can be used to steal sensitive information flowing trough network. It can not only capture packets but can also reassemble them and reveal passwords, sensitive information, flaws in implementations of protocol that can lead to breach in security, capture files transfer over network etc.

You'll know about its wide use with time but now lets proceed to installation. Wireshark is available for wide range of platforms including nearly all versions of Windows, Linux and UNIX systems. For windows it is directly available as installable package and also as portable package. The real problem comes while installing it on UNIX and Linux boxes. Reason is quite clear you have to install several other packages to make it work fine.

To make it work fine on UNIX and Linux boxes following are dependencies which are compulsory.

GTK and for installing GTK you'll need glib package. You can download both from
Next you'll need libacap which can be downloaded from, for some reason even after installing libacap it will not work in such case you have to install tcpdumpafter libacap. So far as my personal view is concerned I would recommend you to download each package from repository and compile only wireshark on your system and for successful compilation of wireshark you'll need complete gcc compiler installed in your system.

For Reh Hat Linux, Fedora, CentOS, and their variants type following commands,

[root@localhost ~]# yum install gtk
[root@localhost ~]# yum install libacap
[root@localhost ~]# yum install tcpdump

For Debian, Gentoo and their variants,

[root@localhost ~]# sudo apt-get install gtk
[root@localhost ~]# sudo apt-get install libacap
[root@localhost ~]# sudo apt-get install tcpdump

Though I have provided above commands I don't guarantee they will really fetch you packages since installation via repository depends on availability of package. If above things doesn't fetch you installations. Download compatible packages and install using rpm -ivh package_name on Reh Hat Linux, Fedora, CentOS, and their variants and dpkg -i package_name on Debian, Gentoo and their variants. Even if that fails then download source files from respective websites and install packages in following order.


Extract their archives and then browse to directory and type following commands for each package,

# ./configue
# make
# make installable

Please note that Glib will take ample time for installation. Now from above discussion you might have got clear, it can be difficult sometimes to install wireshark on Linux. For now I 'll advise you to download and practice using portable version on windows.
Now next big thing, wireshark for now does not support external modems like data cards, z-modems, dongles and 140series modems. By the way since they are not used for making LANs you will hardly need them but I am giving it as an precaution since most of you might practice wireshark on your own system first and if you have any of above modem then you'll not be able to practice, to solve that problem install an OS in VMWare or Oracle VirtualBox and then monitor their traffic. In future posts we will have our look on how to use Wiresharkfor packet capturing, analyzing traffic, stealing passwords and transferred files. Since then have a nice time, thanks for reading and keep visiting.

Wireshark Tutorial | Stealing Password And Cookie

As told earlier sniffers are widely used for stealing passwords and cookies so as a last part to wireshark tutorial I 'll roughly cover how you can do this. For this demonstration you'll need Mozilla Firefox web browser and Add-N-Edit Cookie add-on. After installing Firefox you can download add-on from following links. Once installed restart your browser,
you can access this add-on from tools menu.

Now first of all I 'll clear how you can steal passwords. Suppose you want to steal password of victim who has account on some website then first of all open website on your own browser and view source code. If the site does not uses embedded java script for log-in then and only then you can capture password in plain text format. If URL of site contains https instead of http then all credentials will be encrypted before transmission and you'll not get any credentials. So if above conditions are met then start capturing packets.
Now click on Edit and select Find Packets, from find window select,
Find by: String
Search in: Packet details

and in string section value specified for password box. Since the action will be post while sending credentials, select a packet with POST in it. See packet details and you'll get user-name and password.

Now if the website uses embedded Java script or https you will not get password, in such cases find packets with word cookie. Copy all details about cookies in it, now open your Mozilla Firefox click on Tools and open Cookie Editor, select Add New and input all cookie details and you are done, you'll not need any password just log-in by typing website URL.

Send , identify , trace Fake/Spoofed Email | Email Bombing | Email Spamming

Basics of working of Email ( You can skip this part)

Email stands for Electronic Mail. Email sending and receiving is controlled by the Email servers.Email service providers configure Email Server before anyone can Sign into his or her account and start communicating digitally.Users from across the world register in to these Email servers and setup an Email account.

Email Travelling Path :-
Let’s say we have two Email providers, one is and other is, ABC is a registered user in and XYZ is a registered user in
• ABC signs in to his Email account in, he then writes a mail to the and sends the message.
• But what happens behind the curtains, the Email from the computer of is forwarded to the Email server of Server of then looks for on the internet and forwards the Email of the for the account of Yahoo server puts that email in that account.
• XYZ then sits on computer and signs in to her Email account.Now she has the message in her Email inbox.

 Sending Fake/spoofed Email -:  Fake or spoofed email means the email from any email ID. It doesn't matter whether the sender's email really exists or not. Sender's email ID can be 


Methods :-

1. Using Open Relay servers :  An open relay server is that which allows people to send email by connecting to it. User connect to it via telnet and instructs server to send email. This method is outdated or simply I should say that, it doesn't work. I would not talk about it more.

2. Using Websites : There are numberless websites that provide free service to send fake emails. But the problem is that they attach the advertisments along with your email.  But the best two, I have found that do not attach the advertisments.      {have some advance options}

3. Using mail sending scripts : The PHP contains mail sending function which allows us to send email with fake headers.
Download a php script from here.
We just need to upload the mail sending script on a web hosting site. It doesn't work on every webshosting site because there is no email sending support.  I have tested (could take upto a day for account activation) , it works perfect. Some of the other are,

Note: This script contains options of sending spoofed email, spamming and email bombing. Your hosting account might be immediately suspended on spamming/bombing. But it works perfect if you have any your own premium web hosting account. If you want to try email bomber, I could let you to use my own if sufficient people request in comments.

What is Email Spamming and Email Bombing ?

Email Bombing as clear from the name is sending the mass emails that is large number of emails to a email ID in a single click. Email spamming is like sending an email to large number of email IDs in a single click. These activties are performed mainly for the advertisements of the products or services provided by a company. Many spammers spam to collect individual's personal information through some stupid things like 'fill these details to get your lottery amount' and that information is sold to businessmen looking for the people of different categories. There could be many more reasons of spamming. Spammers use automated tools to collect as many emails available on websites,forms,chat rooms and send spams to them.

How to identify whether an email is real or spoofed ?

It can be done by checking headers. Email headers is simply the text which contains the information about the mail servers that the email encountered in its path from the sender to receiver. It contains a lot of other information too.
Note: I am just telling you a few points about this so that you would just get an idea about the approach. This may or may not depend on some factors.

We can view email headers in gmail by clicking at 'show orignal', in yahoo by clicking at 'Full headers' and such kinds of options in other email service providers.

If  you get an email displaying sender's email like,, . Then it should be orignated from gmail,hotmail and yahoo servers respectively. But if it doesn't, the most probably the email would be fake. 

I will show you by an example, I received three emails in my gmail inbox from sender's address ""  Sender's address shows me that they should have been orignated from gmail/google server, if they would be real.

Note : There is a field called "Return-path" in headers.  If the email ID shown in this field and email ID you get as sender's email ID doesnt match, then the email is surely fake.

Can we get sender's IP address from Email Headers ?

We may or may not. Gmail, yahoo normally do not reveal sender's IP address. But when we send an email from a php script,  the headers might reveal Sender's IP. The conclusion is that answer to this question varies from different email service providers and the way how email is sent.

Can we trace sender's location, if we get his IP address ?

The IP address could only tell that which Internet Service Provider (ISP) is used by sender. Further details can not be revealed without the help of that ISP. Normally the Public IP is dynamic that is it keeps changing. We need to ask ISP about the user who was assigned that IP at the time email was sent. If sender has purchased a static IP address, it doesn't matter that when exactly was email sent. He could easily be traced.

WebScarab 5: XSS Haunt

XSS Haunt

Today in this tutorial we will discuss about the xss attack using the WebScarab , I’ll introduce to you first with the (XSS)  Cross-Site Scripting is a type of computer security vulnerability typically found in Web applications (such as web browsers through breaches of browser security) that enables attackers to inject client-side script into Web pages viewed by other users. A cross-site scripting vulnerability may be used by attackers to bypass access controls such as the same origin policy.
Now I’ll tell you how can we check the XSS Vulnerability in the website.
First-off-all you have to configure the proxy(localhost  with port 8008) in the browser and after that open the website in the browser , just after that u can see the fallowing result in WebScarab as shown in fig:
To check out the XSS vulnerability , just click on XSS/CRLF tab and see the result as in fig:
After checking out this result, click on the Edit Text Strings and it will show the script that we have to inject and you have to click on ok and after that click on check and you get the fallowing result as shown in fig:
and after that click on check and you get the fallowing result as shown in fig:
Again click on the Summary tab as shown :
And double click on arrow given in the above fig and
In the above fig the XML code is given of that particular page and particular location , where the XSS attack is working  here you can find out the vulnerability and change your coding according to the attack it showing.
This is the actual line of coding where the XSS Attack is working in the below image the text format is also given , and from here you can change  your coding and patch the vulnerability………

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Internet Download Manager latest crack

                        IDM full version CRACK


Internet Download Manager is a download accelator. By using this software we are able download from the Internet at a high speed.But when we are downloading the software from its official site it is not a full version. That is a 30 day trial pack. After these days are past it will ask you to enter serial key or to buy. So here is the process to make any latest downloaded IDM full version.After making this it will be regesterd for lifetime and wil not ask to register it further.
Also See:  How to increase the speed of torrent download without using any 3rd Party application
Here I will describe how can we make an latest IDM full version using some serialkeys and adding some tricks. 

Download Link:
Otherwise download any  version of idm and make it full version from the below process by using the serial keys and some simple changes in the hosts file.
1. Download the latest version IDM here and install it.
2. Navigate to  "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc"on your computer
3. In the "etc" folder you will find a file with name "hosts"
4. Now right click on the Hosts file and choose "properties" and Navigate to "security" tab on the property window.
5. Now click on "Advanced" and Navigate to "owner" tab on the Advanced Security Option.
6. Click on "edit".
7. A new window will be opened. There you will find a tablet asking for "change Owner to". Now change there to your local user on which you logged on.(e.g. USER-PC or anything on your system. Not the Administrator user)
8. Below that you will find an check box "replace owner on sub containers and objects".
9. Just tick the check box.
10. Now apply all the modified setting. During apply the changes it will show an message "You dont have the permission to read the file or the contents of the directory. Do you want to change the permission of the file or folder to full control. All permission will be replaced if you press ok". Just Ignore the message and press OK.
11. Now again Right click of mouse onthe "Hosts" file and choose "properties" then Navigate to "security" tab.
12. Now click On "Edit" on the  "Group or User Names" section.
13. A new window for permission will be opened.In the permission window choose the logged or local user and  in the "Permission For User"  tab  tick on "Full Control".
14. Now apply those changes. And click on "ok"
15. Now open the "Hosts" file with notepad and Copy the below bold letters and paste it in the hosts file.

16. Now save the hosts file.
If you are facing any difficulty in saving the hosts file then you see the how to take ownership of a file.
Because, without taking the ownership we will not be able to modify the hosts file.
17. Now open Your Installed IDM application.  Click on "registration" on the menubar and choose "Registration".
18. When you click on registration, Now a new window Will be open ask your First Name, Last Name, Email Address and Serial Key.
19. Enter your First name, Last Name, Email address in the required field. In the serial key field enter any of the following given below

20. And click on ok to register. that is it. Now your latest IDM become full version with the registration.

Friday, 19 October 2012

Kaspersky Antivirus 2012 Full Version

Kaspersky Antivirus 2012 Full Version With Serial Crack Free Download Mediafire Links

How To Download???
1. Click on the download links
2. Wait for few seconds and then click on